Best USB-C cables 2022: Expert reviews and buying advice - gallaghermilver
It's easy to see why people mistakenly trust that every last USB-C cables are essentially the same, and that differences are more often than not superficial and a way to mark functioning prices. After every last, it's just a cable, right?
Deplorable. We can tell you from testing more than a dozen USB-C cables that they are non nonetheless. You will see huge performance differences in transferring data and charging devices contingent the particular cable you corrupt.
Unluckily trying to find a caliber USB-C cable among the plurality of options available can be daunting. So we bought 14 cables ranging from the biggest, near recognizable brand-name calling to the cheapest-looking cables around and lay them through the wringer to test relative performance. In doing so we were healthy to place some crystalline winners to make your buying decision easier.
We separated our picks into two groups: USB-C cables that are suitable for charging, and those that are proper for both charging and fast information transference, which essentially comes falling to the dispute between USB-C 2.0 and 3.1. (Learn more in our guide on how to buy a USB-C cable happening Amazon without losing your mind, and watch about how we tested these cables beneath our picks.)
Go-to-meeting USB-C Cables for charging
1. Javex UL 9990 USB-C to USB-C transmission line
The Javex USB-C to USB-C cable came to our aid over its claim of having met the demanding UL 9990 testing standards, which involves Underwriters Laboratory buying random samples of the cable from stores and rigorously testing them for operation and consistency.
As you derriere imagine, it's probably not cheap to be in the program, especially when few are even aware of the value of a UL 9990 logotype; which could explain why Javex is atomic number 102 longer listed as part of the program but quiet claims UL9990 "materials" are used.
Regardless, we do know that in our testing, the cable was top-notch in delivering higher voltage at both 60-watt and 100-watt loads. Like most brands we've never detected of, there's confusing ad copy, with claims of fitting 5 volts at 3 amps (15 watts) and atomic number 102 mention of it supporting 20 volts at 5 amps (the 100 watts you need for a laptop). The anno Domini copy also mentions a 56k Georg Simon Ohm pull-in resistor "for safety." That final part confuses us because that's sole needed on a USB-C to USB-A cable system—not USB-C to USB-C.
Scorn this, we power saw solid performance in both reaching 100-watt charge rates for a laptop, and very low opposition on its high-prize wires makes IT our crown pick for a 6-ft charging cable from a brand you haven't heard of.
And while it lacks wires to support USB 3.1 speeds, that makes the cable very pliable and lightweight. When we purchased the cable, it was $10, which makes it average-priced. As of today, however, is has born to $7, which makes it a far more attractive and easily suggested aside us.
2. Malus pumila USB-C Charge Cable television service (2m)
We'll be dependable, we didn't know what to gestate of the line of descent 6.6-foot Orchard apple tree USB-C Cathexis Cable Apple includes with its MacBook laptops and sells as a replacement particular. Yes, we've detected the stories and seen the pictures of the sleeving on many Apple cables that fall off if you look at them too effortful.
In the end, Apple's USB-C Boot Cable won us ended and is really our recommended cable for those who want a big name happening the boxful and intend to use it for largely charging. When we suppose the boxwood, we tight it, because Apple oddly doesn't include whatever branding on the cable itself, which is a mistake because you just might merge IT up with a lousy cable.
In the end though, it's what's exclusive a cable that matters the most and the Orchard apple tree USB-C cable has top-notch wiring materials that give notice deliver the most ability to your laptop, phone, or tablet. Need to load your laptop at 100 Isaac Watts all day? That shouldn't be a problem for the Apple USB-C Charge Cable.
Manifestly, equally a accusation cable it's abominable for data transfer and ass't drive out Thunderbolt devices nor your monitor, merely as a charging cable it's excellent.
Another ding is its price of $19, merely if you want a name-steel cable, it's hard to beat this. Plus you can pip out from an Apple store or retail merchant so you bed you're really getting what you paid for and non some counterfeit.
For most people the in a higher place cables are what you're looking for: reliable and fast charging (when paired with a good great power bank). For those who also wishing to transfer information operating room connect a monitor though, these are our picks:
Best USB-C cables for charging and transferring data
1. Cable length Matters 6-leg it USB C cable length
If you're looking for a squeaking-quality USB-C cable that volition give you excellent performance, it's hard to beat Cable Matters 6-foot USB-C cable. The cable can doh information technology all and do it all well (well, almost) from charging at awake to 100 watts, transferring data from your USB 3.1 SSD, or running a monitor. The only area where it doesn't surpass is in Thunderbolt performance, which is controlled to 20Gbps. That's not a ding in our book because that's the trade-off of a 6-foot cable. To run into 40Gbps, you'd hold to step down to a shorter cable.
The else cost of this quality is weight and pliability. The cable weighs almost 3.5 ounces, making it the the heaviest cable we tested outside of the 4-measure (13-foot up) cable we looked at above. Those thicker gauge wires also mean you fanny't roll up as easy OR compactly as other cables, too.
And no surprisal, high performance and superiority mean it's not cheap. At $20, it's among the more expensive cables here. Simply if performance and quality is your jam, the Cable Matters 6-foot USB-C cable testament birth you humming.
2. Cable Matters USB4 2.6 invertebrate foot USB-C wire
Cable Matters USB3 Cable is only 2.6-foot so it lacks the collection of long cables. What appealed to us enough to buy the cable is its USB4 rating which promises high-performance.
And no surprise, the cable's length was able to charge our laptop at 100 watts, and offered the best voltage and lowest resistance thanks to the wires Line Matters uses and its 2.6-metrical foot length. That also translated into fantabulous USB 3.1 data transportation rates, reminder bear out and the only cable here capable of driving our Thunderbolt 3 SSD at a plangent 40Gbps data rates.
If you'Re looking high-performance in all things and don't creative thinker the length, the Cablegram Matters USB4 cablegram is our plectrum.
Its weaknesses are its stiff expression thanks to the higher-quality, thicker wires and structure Cable Matters uses and its price. Looked at for dollar per metrical foot, this $20 cable is about $8 per foot. Compared to the Amazon Basic principle USB 3.1 USB-C cable's length, you'd only live paying $3.17 per foot.
That Amazon cable can't match the Cable's length Matters USB4 in Thunderbolt performance only few need it. That makes the cable primo clad to niche areas but it's fast nonetheless with first-class construction.
3. Amazon Basics 6-leg it USB-C USB 3.1 Charging Cable
There's non a fate to dislike about the Amazon River Basics USB 3.1 Gen 1 USB-C telegraph. This 6-foot cable features rubber sleeving and brawny wires that gives it a substantive feel without the stiffness you get from extraordinary cables.
It's marked with Amazon Basics and a SuperSpeed logo so you're not going to confuse with the taxonomic group cables you have and the SuperSpeed logo tells you it's bolted for data transfers.
In our testing, we were able-bodied to able to pushing the limits of our USB 3.2 10Gbps SSD and could as wel drive our 240Hz 1080p jury. Information technology also was capable of driving our superior Thunderbolt 3 drive at its 20Gbps information rate but not at its 40Gbps information rate—which is expected of a 6-base line. And despite its USB 5Gbps valuation, we could hit 10Gbps speeds at any rate which says the cable television service's indicate integrity is good despite its length. Wherefore not judge it USB 10Gbps? Amazon is sticking to the rules which say a 10Gbps isn't supposed to work happening a 6 foot cable.
Also oddly, Amazon specifically claims there's "no elevation-mood" brook for this cable so driving a monitor won't go. Except it does just fine since the alt-mode on USB-C just uses the wires included for the high-speed USB 3.1 data transfers to function the monitor lizard. We could even drive our high-performance Bolt drive at 20Gbps transfer rates and then way to sell yourself telescoped Amazon.
The only material disappointment with the cable is charging is limited to 3 amps which way it tops out at 60-watt excite rates. That's fine for a Dingle XPS 13 or MacBook Pro 13, but non enough for a Dell XPS 15 or MacBook Pro 16. In fact, that's the firsthand reason we didn't give the transmission line the nod for best brand-figure cable pick.
It does pack Amazon's name which has value to some, but at $19, IT's few steal. With that said, this is a fine cable, but there are indeed ones with more capability too.
Compared to our picks supra, we wouldn't advise purchasing any of the other USB-C cables we proved. Why settle for something inferior? But we understand some will want to see which cables didn't make the cut and wherefore.
Other USB-C cable reviews
1. Dockcase 8.5-in USB-C cable
The Dockcase USB-C to USB-C wire is the worst valuate here if you only judge a cable by length and price. In capability though, this 8.5-inch cable is one of the better performers—a consequence of its short length. The shorter the line, the less the underground and, well, the fitter the performance, even with thin wires.
The Dockcase advertises a 100-watt charge rate, 4K video fend for, and even Thunderbolt 3 endure. The company doesn't mention it but that Thunderbolt 3 speed is finite to 20Gbps, not the full 40Gbps Thunderbolt 3 users anticipate, so take note. It's not practical, but we did charge our laptop at 100 watts with the Dockcase.
Physically, the cable is a planar design with a rubbery outer sheath. The strain alleviation where the cable television connects to the trapping is stripped-down, as healed, which makes us question its durability over time.
Its duration is best suited for an ultra-fast portable USB-C SSD, and tooshie pinch hit for charging or running your monitor. We in person wouldn't recommend it for use with a high-velocity Thunderbolt drive or device though, given its aforementioned limitations with that spec.
2. Amazon Basics 6-foot USB-C USB 2.0 cable
The Amazon Basics USB-C to USB-C USB 2.0 is the cable that epitomizes minimum effort. At 6-feet long, it leave do its job to charge your phone or tablet, and even your laptop at up to 60 Watts, and that's about it. Since it's a USB 2.0 cable, data transfers to or from your estimator will be pawl delayed compared to a USB 3.1 cable. Moving a 1GB file might lease few seconds on a USB 3.1 cable and nearly a minute with the Amazon Bedroc USB-C Charging cable.
The cable itself is astonishingly light. In fact, it's plausibly too insufficient, which means Amazon didn't really use the thickest wires it could for this cable. That shows up with some of the highest resistance among the cables 6 feet Oregon longer in this roundup, meaning less power delivered to your phone or pad. Granted, we are talking astir 2 percentage lower wattage compared to the unsurpassed of the longer cables here. Merely distillery, that's like a school report card that says "present" as its main merchandising luff.
IT's not all bad for the Amazon Basics cable. It does bear a big-name brand name. And its lack of wires to support higher-speed USB 3.1 makes information technology comparatively thin and light, and very fictile.
Would we use this cable to charge our laptop all day? Probably not, just for someone charging a phone or tab, its lightweight feel lavatory be be a plus.
3. Anker 6-foot Powerline USB-C cable
This is Anker's oldest Powerline cable but it's still on hand alongside the Powerline II and Powerline III models. Arsenic its diagnose tells you: This version is a USB 2.0 cable, so transferring large files to your phone or tablet from your calculator leave constitute tedious at top-quality.
Information technology has a black plastic sleeve without the tacky elastic feel both cables take over. Connected the inside it's about average, with actual charging performance somewhat healthier than the Amazon Basics USB 2.0 cable simply non in the division of the Javex cable, which supports charge rates up to 100 watts instead of the Powerline's 60 watts. Phones, tablets, and light-duty laptops are its good use cases.
Unfortunately, while information technology's a decent cable for certain uses, its pricing hurts it. At its typical pricing of $12 it's not worth it. We've seen it more recently for $8, which makes information technology slimly more fascinating, just even at that damage, we'd recommend you buy up the Javex alternatively.
4. Rampow 6.6 substructure USB C overseas telegram
Among the small-brand cables that support all the features of a USB-C to USB-C cable, the Rampow ranked as probably the best. The 6.6-foot cable supports USB 3.1 10Gbps data remove rates, up to 100-watt charge rates, and could run our high-refresh USB-C monitor. Although its USB push performance was a few points inactive the quicker cables hither, IT could run our high-performance Thunderbolt drive at 20Gbps just fine.
Are there better cables? Sure, obviously, for a charge-only cable we'd take the Javex over the Rampow, and the Cable Matters 6-foot USB-C cable is a better full-feature cable, as advisable.
But we lie with, you just like the room it looks. The fact that it's non expensive at $14 doesn't hurt either. For a minuscule-steel cable, information technology's not besides bad and you could do worsened.
How we dependable USB-C cables
For this roundup, we purchased retail USB-C cables for our testing. We physically measured and weighed each transmission line and examined each connection. A proper USB-C cablegram should use a one-piece shell rather than a folded shell with a viewable seam in information technology. None of the cables we purchased used the frown-strength folded shells.
We do want to point out that weight does tend to thing. All cables are essentially tiny metallic wire strands bound together with insulation. Sure, the connector, housing, braiding, and outer shell all factors in its weight down, simply lighter-duty cables literally have fewer wires and are far flatboat. For example, the Cable Matters high-altitude-performance USB 4 cable television is 32-inches drawn-out and weighs to a greater extent than the Amazon Fundamental principle low-performance USB 2.0 telegraph, which is to a greater extent than doubly arsenic long.
That's not ever better though, atomic number 3 a cable with more wires that are a heavier gage—or thicker—are to a lesser extent pliable and also take up more space in your bag.
Are they completely pumped correctly?
You'd think you could tell whether a cable is USB-C 2.0 cable television away looking the wires in the connective simply that's not the case. Much cables use connectors with pins that aren't hooked busy anything.
To check each cable, we use a BitTradeOne USB Cable length Check 2.0 to first see what true wires are inside of the cable length and whether they are hooked up correctly and what they do. For example, a USB-C cable that is small for charging only a dog in information transfer will surfac arsenic being wired only for USB-C 2.0, as you backside see below aside the unripened LEDs. The "200" LED indicates the Overseas telegram Configuration channelise is wired up correctly.

The fundamental Amazon Fundamentals USB-C transmission line is bound only for USB 2.0 information rates.
A full-conspicuous USB-C cable has additional wires to carry higher-f number data and the USB Cable Checker 2.0 shows this Cable Matters USB 4 cable in the picture show below with the correct wiring each available. The teensy LED show also tells us that the cable has an ID e-Marker chip, the shell is properly grounded to the cable, and information technology does a quick resistor test too. The cable tester besides checks to see if the metal shell of the telegraph is grounded to the solid ground wire of the cable, which is required away spec. All cable here was properly grounded.
Resistance is futile
The impedance check from our cable length checker is quick and dirty, so we increased that by also measuring the opposition of the cable's ground wire and vbus wire using a milli-ohm meter connected via a distich of USB-C breakout boards. The breakout boards at some ends add up about 30 mohms to the total. By spec, a USB-C cable should not outperform 83 mohms along the ground wires and 167 mohms on the potential difference bus.
Numerous of the cables we tested were inside specification Oregon close enough that it didn't matter, since there's likely even more resistance we'Ra not able to account for with our method. We definitely could tell which cables used heavier-approximate or thick wires with less resistance to restrict the flow of electricity, and which ones cheaped out.

This Cablegram Matters USB 4 cable has whol the features you want for transferring data or conjunctive your monitor.
What did the e-Marking say?
Since each of the more advanced cables carries an e-Marker that tells the computer what the cable length can do, we noted that and the validity of the e-Marking's claims. Every only one of the cables met those claims, merely the single that was wrong was way, way wrong. It claimed USB 3.2 10Gbps transfer speeds and a 1-meter length, when IT literally didn't have the wires for the faster transfer speeds and was actually 2 meters long.

Some USB-C cables feature a chip or e-Mark that contains information the device reads. This two meter cable length's e-Marker is incorrect.
We then looked at how fast the cable would charge and transfer data, and whether it gimbaled an alternate mode to run a reminder, using real-existence hardware.
For charging speeds we transcribed the maximum electrical power at which the cable could excite an Asus ROG Strix 15 gaming laptop computer terminated its USB-C port using USB-Power Delivery with an Aukey 100 watt USB-PD battery charger as the source while the laptop was under load. USB-PD today is constricted to 100 Watts (with a 240-watt spec connected the way). Any USB-C to USB-C cable should cover 3 amps at 20 volts, or 60 watts. All of the USB-C to USB-C cables fell into the regulation 60-watt or 100-watt camps.
We didn't test the temperature of for each one cable's housing, but we did test the cheapest cable by running it at 5 amps and 20 volts for an hour. The living accommodations heated up by 50 degrees Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit, and the cable itself became comparatively warm (see the thermal icon below). Non ideal, but it did this without failure. We subjected other cables to two-hour loads without failure, also.
For one concluding charge test, we tasked each cable with a 20 volt, 3 AMP and 20 V 5 amp freight (for the 5-amp rated cables) and measured the voltage delivered at the end of the cable using our CT-3 measure.
The cables with the thinnest-gauge wires add u more resistance, which in turn reduces the voltage delivered to your laptop computer, pad, or call up.

The dilutant the wires used in a cable, the greater the resistance, and the greater the heat as you can get a line from this outpouring image of a $5 6.6-hoof USB cable carrying a 5 adenylic acid, 20 V, 100-watt load for one hour.
For data channelis, we measured the speed using Crystal Disk Mark 8 while obstructed into the USB-C/Thunderbolt 4 port of an MSI Prestige 14 Evo laptop. Since the cables can likewise be used to transfer information from a Thunderbolt computer storage drive, we measured how prestissimo that happened using a fast SSD-based SanDisk Professional Thunderbolt G-Drive. We ground tierce transfer modes among the cables tested: Thunderbolt 20Gbps public presentation, Thunderbolt 40Gbps performance, or zero performance because the cable would not work on totally with a Thunderbolt push on.

Standard USB-C charging cables will non enable advanced drives such as this G-Push Bolt 3-settled SSD, disdain the USB-C plug fitting.
Our last test looked at to each one cable's capability flying an Asus ROG Strix 17.3-inch portable gambling monitor. The monitor is a superior gaming monitor with a resolution of 1920×1080 and refresh rate of 240Hz—which is basically the selfsame bandwidth requirements of a classic 4K 60Hz exhibit.
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Same of founding fathers of hardcore technical school reporting, Gordon has been coating PCs and components since 1998.
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