
Guild Wars 2 expansion delayed | PC Gamer - gallaghermilver

Guild Wars 2 expansion suspended

Last class, ArenaNet announced that it was going to delay the Steam launch of Guild Wars 2 to concentrate on its next expansion, Finish of Dragons, which was due in late 2021. In a unweathered blog post the studio has said that information technology's going to need to detain that besides, and Final stage of Dragons is being pushed back to crude 2022.

Studio apartment music director JT had this to say: "As expansion development has progressed and the real-worldly concern challenges of the past year and a half have transformed the way we hold ou and forg, it''s become clear that we need a little more time to deliver our creative sight for Cantha."

Likewise as End of Dragons, ArenaNet is working connected upgrading Lodge Wars 2's railway locomotive to DirectX 11. Later this year an opt-in Beta will let players try that out for themselves. "An important note is that the upgrade to DX11 itself isn't a magical fix for border rates on its ain", said head of untaped operations Jolly 'Grouch' Davis. "Some players may non notice a difference at all. However, upgrading to DX11 opens a lot of doors for improving execution—CPU multithreading for instance. Information technology also paves the way for some potential artwork upgrades down the roadworthy."

Another feature future day in beta is World Restructuring, aka Alliances, which will rebalance world-versus-world conflict "by dynamically creating matchups using WvW-designated guilds, alliances (a role player-made collection of guilds), and active WvW players A the inputs." That'll be open as a multiphase beta, which agency "we'll release a persona of the World Restructuring system, test it with you in the ringing game, gather your feedback, and so iterate on that for a in store release."

In the in the meantime, a first-look livestream to give everyone a gander at End of Dragons is imputable take place on July 27.

Jody Macgregor

Jody's first gear computer was a Commodore 64, soh he remembers having to use a code pedal to play Kitty of Radiance. A former medicine journalist WHO interviewed everyone from Giorgio Moroder to Trent Reznor, Jody also co-hosted Australia's archetypal radio testify about videogames, Zed Games. He's written for Rock-and-roll Paper Scattergun, The Big Release, GamesRadar, Zam, Glixel, and, whose cheques with the bunny logotype successful for fun conversations at the bank. Jody's first article for PC Gamer was published in 2015, he edited PC Gamer Indie from 2017 to 2018, and actually did play all Warhammer videogame.


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