
Here's how to clean a microwave

How to clean a microwave

How to clean a microwave
(Prototype credit: Future)

It might seen a bit intimidating working out how to clean a microwave, given it'southward a somewhat complicated appliance. And information technology's surprising how few of us make clean the microwave regularly. Nearly every kitchen has 1 and some are used more often than the oven itself. Despite this, even the best microwaves can be left to harbor grease and food residue for weeks. It'south only when the smell finally defeats us that nosotros begrudgingly choice upwardly the sponge and effort to shift those stubborn stains.

Regular cleaning is important though; over time bacteria will build up in a dirty microwave and can potentially contaminate new dishes of nutrient. Not only is it more than hygienic to keep the microwave clean, but regular cleaning will make the job easier.

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Cleaning the microwave need not exist such a task though; in fact, information technology can be pretty easy. And so follow these steps and tips on how to clean a microwave to get the true-blue kitchen adjutant looking like new again.

How to clean a microwave

Cleaning a microwave is actually simple, but it is something you lot should do regularly.

How regularly? Well, if you lot utilise your microwave daily, then you should be checking it on a daily basis. If whatever fresh food has splattered or dripped, be certain to clean it up as soon every bit you tin can. If left, it will burn down on and only go harder to remove.

What you will need

-  1 lemon or lime or orangish OR white distilled vinegar

-  Microwave-safe bowl

-  Wooden toothpick or cocktail stick

-  Microfiber cloth

-  Baking soda

If you lot regularly apply the microwave, information technology's good practice to deep clean it once a month too using the below methods. Tell-tale signs that your microwave needs a deep clean include food balance building upwards inside, a greasy window or a aroma whenever you open up the door.

How exercise I use the cocky-clean office?

Some premium microwaves actually come up with a self-clean setting. If yours does, simply follow the manufacturer's recommendations on how to use and how often. These typically involve a very similar method to the below where the microwave volition rut a bowl of h2o to steam clean itself.

How to clean a microwave with lemons

How to clean a microwave with lemons

(Image credit: Future)

1. If you've opted to clean your microwave with citrus fruit, only fill a microwave-safety basin with cold water. Depending on the size of your microwave you can use ½ to 1 cup of water, although don't make full the bowl more than than one-half-full.

Slice your lemon, orangish or lime in half and clasp the juice from both halves into the water. Get out the rinds floating in the basin and place in the heart of the turntable. To prevent over-boiling, you can likewise add together a wooden toothpick or cocktail stick to the h2o. This volition absorb whatever excess heat.

2. Set your microwave to high power and rut for 3 minutes, or until you notice that the water has started to eddy and the microwave is filled with steam.

3. Don't open up the door immediately. Instead, leave the steam to work its magic for 5 minutes. Once time is upwardly, carefully remove the basin of water and employ a damp microfiber material to wipe abroad the grease and grime.

How to clean a microwave with vinegar

How to clean a microwave

(Image credit: Future)

1. This method is similar to the above. Fill a microwave-safe bowl with the same measurement of water as for lemons, but add 1 tablespoon of white distilled vinegar per cup of water. Yous tin can add a wooden toothpick or cocktail stick to the water besides to prevent it from boiling over. The bowl tin and then exist placed in the microwave.

2. The microwave volition need to run on its highest setting for three minutes or until it's filled with steam.

3. Leave it to stand for 5 minutes before y'all open up the door. Once open, you can carefully remove the basin and wipe downwards the walls, door and base with a damp microfiber cloth.

Terminal touches

How to clean a microwave

(Paradigm credit: Futurity)

If some grease even so remains subsequently either of these methods, then baking soda can help shift information technology. Offset, unplug the microwave, then mix up a paste with ½ cup of baking soda and two tablespoons of h2o and use directly to the greasy spots, being careful not to allow the solution get into the vents. Then simply remove with hot h2o and a microfiber cloth.

If the turntable has some particularly tough residue burnt on, most can be run through the dishwasher, although check that it is dishwasher-rubber in the transmission first. To clean the exterior, yous can utilise a picayune dish soap with water to shift whatsoever fingerprints and for the door, you lot tin dilute the vinegar with water to act as a glass cleaner.

You should now have a much cleaner microwave! Remember to regularly inspect it to forestall whatever grease or smells from edifice upwardly in the future.

How to get a bad smell out of the microwave

If you're struggling to shift a bad smell from a microwave, such as burnt popcorn or fish, then identify a pocket-sized basin of baking soda in the center. Shut the door and leave it to sit overnight to blot the odor. Leave the microwave door open afterwards to air.

Tips to proceed your microwave clean

  • Wipe any spills immediately
  • Cover any food which may eddy and splatter
  • Exit the door open to air afterwards you microwave annihilation smelly
  • Microwave your nutrient in shorter fourth dimension increments, you tin also stir it more than regularly if it's prone to explode
  • Here'southward how to wash a pillow
  • Check out how to clean your washing machine
  • This TikTok oven cleaning method has gone viral

Katie looks subsequently everything homes-related, from kitchen appliances to gardening tools. She also covers smart home products also, so is the best point of contact for any household advice! She has tested and reviewed kitchen appliances for over 6 years, so she knows what to look for when finding the all-time. Her favorite affair to test has to be stand mixers as she loves to bake in her spare time.


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