
How To Install Laminate Flooring Backwards

installing laminate floors

How to Install Laminate Flooring

Many people desire to install laminate flooring and exercise not desire to use a professional for the installation. If that is you here are some basic guides that tin aid yous achieve success. However, having a professional installer do it is always recommended ( we would say that we have been installing laminate for years) as laying laminate flooring takes a fleck of skill and exercise.

The first matter to recollect is that you lot have to accept patience if you've never washed this earlier.  Patience with yourself, your helpers and the floor. Think of the patience required to teach your kids to drive 🙂 This is something that not everyone has the time for, but with a lilliputian research, laying laminate flooring can be done past somebody with reasonable good DIY skills.

Installing laminate floors certainly got easier when the click systems came alone. Then If you lot have a few handyman skills under your belt, this shouldn't be much of a problem. However, if you cannot hang a moving-picture show on a  wall without assist, you lot probably shouldn't attempt laying laminate flooring.

Laying Laminate Flooring

When you are gear up to install laminate floor you need to decide which way the floor is going to go.  It tin can go either direction, still, most actual hardwood flooring that comes in longboards is more expensive than the shorter boards.  And then, if y'all have long laminate pieces you'll desire to become where the length of the boards can be displayed. This does not only help the laminate look more expensive just information technology should exist easier to install, fewer pieces.

 It is recommended to get-go at the front door and go perpendicular to the door. Yet, when laying laminate flooring this is certainly up to you lot the homeowner on how you'd similar your flooring to await.

When starting the installation ensure the subfloor is very clean and in that location isn't any droppings left on information technology before laying laminate flooring.  Tape or make full in any cracks in the subfloor that the laminate is going to comprehend. This is important, recently I was called out to help somebody who was laying his own grey laminate flooring and it was not going well.  1 of the problems he had was he did not fix his subfloor properly. Doomed from the start.

You can cutting the flooring with a miter saw, however, that's a very messy and noisy way to do it.  A laminate shear is an like shooting fish in a barrel way to manually cut the boards and they tin can be cut right in the aforementioned room equally it is non messy or noisy.

Start at the wall with the most doorways. Doorways are the most difficult to maneuver around, then starting there is good, ending there tin make things just that much more difficult.  You lot can use transition strips in doorways to become better coverage and take a better overall finished wait.

Plan your Flooring Layout

When laying laminate flooring y'all need to get a good layout.  Remember that the room may not be perfectly wide as the planks.  So, you'll demand to mensurate it and program appropriately. You don't want to have a super thin sliver of boards to install at the very terminate.  So, determining how wide the starting time row should be is important. When laying laminate flooring you want an fifty-fifty look such as a professional would have.

Hither is a pace past step summary of what needs to be done.

  1. Allow the boards acclimatize – Open the boxes and let them sit down for 24 hours where they are going to be installed. This is less of an issue here in Ireland every bit nosotros exercise not tend to take big swings in temperature but no harm doing it.
  2. Check Wet Levels – Ensure the flooring is dry.
  3. Clean the flooring –Ensure the subfloor is clean and costless from all debris. Give it a good sweep and ensure it is dry equally previously stated.
  4. Put down a moisture bulwark. Put down a plastic cover on the floor that is going to exist covered with your new laminate flooring
  5. Put down your Underlay
  6. Start laying your floor – Ok this is where the fun begins, start laying the floorboards in the direction you have chosen. Go that outset board down. Y'all will probably do this along the longest wall in the room.
  7. Add your spacers – Add together footling spaces ( about 1/4 inch thick) betwixt the kickoff board and the wall.
  8. Add the 2nd board – click into place the 2d board with the get-go. Use lengths that differ from the get-go board.
  9. Go along adding more boards – piece of work your way across the room, ensure the gaps betwixt the boards are properly sealed.
  10. Cut to fit – at some stage you will need to cut some boards to fit into small spaces.


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